Crusader Kings Video Game

What is a video game?

A video game it is an interaction of user interface using electronic means such as using keyboard and generating a video display on a screen. They are accompanied by sounds which are delivered via headphones or speakers.

Early in the 1950s and late 1960s, the video games during those years were simple expansions of electronic games that used displays from large computers.

Constituents of a Video Game

To display the difference between electronic games, video games are basically considered to have a platform, the process player, the hardware that has the gaming elements and displaying the results in a video from to a display.

  • Platform

Video games needs a platform which is a blend of electronic hardware and software to start operating.

Computer games refers to those games that are played interactively using a personal computer. A gaming computer is often recommended for gaming purposes since it uses high-performance components.

A home console is usually played when an electronic device that is connected to the same television and it is specifically built to play games using a willingly hardware environment.

A handheld console it is a small gaming device which is portable and can be gripped on user’s hand. Its features are a small screen, joystick, the console and buttons.

Arcade video game it applies to a game that is played on a specialized gaming device which only plays one game. These games most of the time has images and painted logos that relates to the game’s theme.

Browser game are identified based on the websites that they appear.

Mobile Game utilizes some of the features that are currently on the phone and not necessarily available in other gaming platforms.

Cloud gaming requires a basic laptop that is connected well to the internet and later connects to the cloud gaming provider.

VR Games (Virtual Reality) it requires the participants to use a special unit that is mounted on the head that gives screens and motion tracking immersing the player in a virtual environment.

Emulation games are only played if an emulator allows console games to be run in a virtual machine.

  • Game Media

Games can only be extended with new content which are technically available as downloadable content.

  • Input Devices

Video games can use different types of input devices to translate the human actions into the game. The common game controllers are the gamepads and joysticks.

  • Display and Output

The graphics displayed by the game are usually followed by sound that is produced by interior speakers while the external speakers are connected to the platform.

Classification of Games

Video games just like other media forms, can be categorized in genres. Genres are classifications that define a work in categories. The following are major genres in Video Gaming:

Mode- Video game mode explains how many players can participate in the game at the same time. Zero player games means that there is limited interaction of players with the game itself.

Intent- The major purpose in creating video game is for entertainment aims. There is a list of games that are developed for other purposes other than entertainment. They include:

  • Casual games that have been planned for easy accessibility and easy to understand.
  • Educational games that have been mostly used in homes and classrooms to aid in teaching students and children. They have been designed to provide an interactive environment for educational purposes.
  • Serious games are the ones that the entertainment purpose may be eradicated by other major purposes of the game. An instance of a serious game is Fitness games that inputs lot of physical exercise to encourage the player keep fit.
  • Art game they have been developed to have a purpose of communicating a message or a story. Most of the art games are designed based on personal stories or experiences.

Content ratings- Just like films, games also do have content ratings whereby they target an age group or the one that is appropriate for the player. The rating system bodies include:

  • ESRB (Entertainment Software Rating Board)- The board manages the games in the United States.
  • PEGI (Pan European Game Information)- It oversees the games in United Kingdom.
  • ACB (Australian Classification Board)- It covers the Australian parts using rates of G, PG and M. (General, Parental Guidance and Mature consecutively)
  • CERO (Computer Entertainment Rating Organization)- Rates the games in Japan.

Crusader Kings Video Game

The Crusader Kings video game is a strategy game which was developed by a company called the Paradox Development and it was later published in April 2004. The producer of the game he is called J. Andersson and he is still the programmer of the video game.

The background set of the game dates back in Europe in between 1066 and 1452. The game focuses on and individual who is trait-based whose aim is to grow and enrich their destiny.

Crusader King II was set in the middle ages and it was later released on February 2014. The game attracted more audience that contributed to more downloads and installation of the game hence the company earned a lot of profit. The game displays an education and genetic system and it is through which young people inherit traits, culture, religion from their guardians or parents.

Crusader King III it’s a continuation of Crusader King I and II and the game was released on September 2020 on Windows, Mac and Linux. The director is Henrik Fahraeus and it is published under Paradox Interactive. The characters in Crusader King III are 3D-displayed character than the previous one 2D portrait, and they are full-bodies. The game is accessible in two editions namely:

  • Base Game Edition. It includes a base game and a bonus (Pre-order)
  • Royal Edition which entails base game and an expansion permit.

The game at first was declinedby Australian Classification Board of which they complained on complications regarding on classification of the game. Later on it was cleared and released on September 7. The delayed release led to extension of the launching date to September 21.

Pros and Cons of Video Gaming in Large


  1. Video games helps to increase the player’s visual abilities.
  2. They enhance everyday skills
  3. Video games aid in easing anxiety and depression. It acts as distraction of mind and get to interact with people and ease any mental illness.


  1. It can result in people being violent. It may increase aggressive behavior among players.
  2. The games can be more addictive
  3. It may decrease the ability of the player to remain focused.


Video gaming since its invention has made a big impact in the society especially in helping people with anxiety. Additionally, the Crusader King I, II and III has been a game that the audience has appreciated and loved since its release. It is a highly recommended type of game.

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